Friday, May 29, 2009

And God said - "Take My Consecration To The Nations

Morning-Midnight Glory on GMNLive!™ TV & Radio from GMN - the Legacy Stations

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"Take My Consecration To The Nations" --Prophetess SB Barber Stalling

Listen Now: Purifier Declaration - The Memorial

Read Now: Purifier Declaration - The Memorial
Today is Wednesday and it is April 29, one day before the 30th. And the 30th is a significant day when it comes to GRACE Media Network Web-ATHON™ [est. 1978 - GRACE Media Network marks 30 years of effective media ministry to/in the marketplace]. Through purification, which is what the Lord has been doing in me. He says, "bring the consecration to the nations." And all night long through prayer and travailing, the threshing floor and then awaking in the wee hours of the morning and seeing that the Lord was ready to begin. And He begins in me -- deliverance after deliverance; repentance of things that would distract or hinder me from fulfilling the plan and purposes of God [the Father]. And after all was said and done, and after the spitting up and crying out to God for his hand of mercy; ah, standing in the gap even for the family, the house of God, and hearing the heart of God. And, after all was said and done, He says, now take the tears, take the mucus and everything that has been spit up, take the tears and the tissue and put it in a bag, take it out and burn it. Let this fire go up before me. And I began to think on what Israel must have experienced in their hour in time, because He is doing that right now [He is the same yesterday, today and forever -- He changes not]. He kept saying, "the purifier will bring a purer fire." He's doing that in demonstration [this is a memorial unto the Lord -- His presence, His greatness & His doing].

So we are standing in the back of the studio area and we are putting a fire, the fire that the Lord says symbolically demonstrates what He is doing in His house. We need to let Him have His way. This is benediction. We call benediction on every addiction, every disease, every abuse, every word - foul thing that's been spoken, everything that's hindered the body of Christ in anyway, every sexual perversion, doing things that should not be spoken of [named among the body of Christ], things that are unclean in the sight of God, because you think He does not see and you think He does not hear what you are doing and what you are saying.

And even as this flame -- a flame right now and burning up everything. I'm saying Father have your way, have your way the more in me and through me. He said that He would bring me through it to get me to it [the Lord's expected end]. So He is bringing me to the nations. He is bringing consecration to the nations. And this is what the Lord is requiring of His House. This is the hour of the Church. The Church of the Lord Jesus Christ that is being purified, being prepared for His return - the Lord Jesus Christ [He puts a fire to every work that is of Him].

So there must be a benediction. It must die -- the things that bring grief to the heart of the Lord Jesus Christ. Things that are fleshly -- they must die. So we pronounce benediction on this in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. We pronounce benediction on every form of wickedness, every foul thing, idols have come down today. The Lord Himself has brought down idols and we give Him praise. And we give Him glory for this. This is this awesome thing that He ha done and it is marvelous in His eyes. Ah, He is exalted. The Lord Jesus Christ is exalted. There's only one name that's above every name and it is the name The Lord Jesus.

Purifier bring a purer fire. Have your way in me; have your way in the Church; have your way in the leadership that you have set in the Church; have your way in this nation. Ah, we will return. We come to you this day seeking your face and crying out to you. Ah, wailing between the porch and the altar. Standing in your [tongues]. Have Your way, Father; have Your way, Father; have Your way, Father; continue to have Your way, Father. Now I celebrate Your name. I celebrate you Jesus. I lift you high above every name. Be exalted in this place.

Ah, my, my, my, my, my...the idols have come down. Bless your name Lord Jesus. So now, we take the consecration to the nations. [tongues]. we take the consecration to the nations. He looking for transparency - the hidden things that will now be uncovered [tongues], if there is not a response to His dealing with the heart. There will be open rebuke [tongues]. There will be things that will happen in the household of faith and God is not pleased -- He is not pleased. He's coming after that that belongs to Him. And, He will spare none. He has already given us the best and that is His Son, Jesus.

And Jesus is seated at the right hand of the Father making intercession. Our hearts are being Purified. [tongues]. Our hearts are being Readied. Ah, We are giving Him the glory. Purifier bring a purer fire.

P-U-R-I-F-I-E-R bring a PU-R-E-R F-I-R-E. And it is so. It is so.


Listen Now: PM Morning Glory Intercession


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Prophetess SB Barber Stalling is the apostle/founder of GRACE Media Network the parent organization of She is a God-inspired executive, journalist, broadcaster, producer, ordained/licensed ministry gift and requested preacher & speaker. Contact our program with your comment, prayer or product request, let us know you heard us on and/or visited our SB Barber Stalling Blog.

COPYRIGHT/REPRODUCTION LIMITATIONS: This data file is the sole property of Shena Barber ( and GRACE Media Network ( It may not be altered or edited in any way. It may be reproduced only in its entirety for circulation as "freeware," without charge. All reproductions of this data file must contain the copyright notice (i.e., "Copyright (C) 2000 by shena ReKayle Barber."). This data file may not be used without the permission of Shena Barber for resale or the enhancement of any other product sold. This includes all of its content with the exception of a few brief quotations. Please give the following source credit: Copyright (C) by Shena Barber,

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